Elite escort agency The Queens Palace offers to get acquainted with the girls from the VIP-gallery. All the girls in the photo and in life coincide 100%.

Our escort models are oriented to any kind of escort and escort services - from vip-talks to intimate adventures.

You can invite your girlfriend to her or come to visit us, you can go abroad.

To find out whether a particular girl is available now, you can call around the clock.
 About the agency

Escort Agency: a temple of beauty or sonmische vices shelter comedians or islet sincerity? And what is the escort services: juicy adventure or primal instinct craving for beauty or the evolution of sexual desires? Whatever your answer to this question, we are glad to welcome you to our escort Agency Queens Palace!

We Are the ones who are able not just to understand your desires, but to anticipate them, not just to meet your needs, but to realize them with brilliance, invention and fair share of charm. It is no accident that our escort Agency is today one of the leading in Moscow and Russia and enjoys well-deserved popularity among fans of elite escort in the West.
Become leaders in the field of escort services helped us a carefully considered recipe: combine the verbs "conquer" and "to seduce", adjectives "successful" and "inimitable", are not in the Moscow club scene, which is heated in the Sunny Mediterranean baths, relax in the flights on the superliner. Then we add the glitter of diamonds and the delicacy of silk — and obtain the required satisfaction of all stakeholders.
The loyalty of our formula is confirmed by the modern research of social psychologist David bass, who interviewed representatives of 1000 countries, concluded that in all cultures of the world men are most attracted to female beauty, and women — the income of a man.
Video with our models
Our services
Romantic appointments

You are a business, confident, accomplished, possibly married… and you have no time or opportunity to meet.

Business travel and travel

Going on a business trip alone is considered a bad tone. Do you want to give your journey a combination of romance with adrenaline?

Negotiations and meetings

The Business negotiations and meetings are an indispensable part of any successful business, and a beautiful companion will add you solidity.

The Escort service. Whim great.

Escort Services have been, are and will always be. As soon as men invented material values and money, young sexual goddesses thought up how to get them and how to spend. Historical examples are easy to trace in the life of every great man, sooner or later, there was a wonderful companion (not what model of support?) that either has no effect, does not solve anything, but served as a guiding star, Muse and inspiration. Military victories and scientific discoveries formed at her feet; poets, painters and musicians devoted their best works to her. The paradox, but the winder was critical of the person, the greater were the creations of men and the more generous were the gifts for the ladies. Young and Mature, chaste and sophisticated, cold and temperamental — all of them were the ancestors of today's models providing escort services.

Thus, the prototype of modern escort girls Moscow (moscow escort) ancient Greek hetairai were so loved by men and played such an important role in society that their images were immortalized in Carrara marble, and the names and talents are extolled in the works of ancient literature. To ancient times and traditions date back the gratification of men hanikami ancient Indian and Japanese geishas. From a young age they were taught singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and, most importantly, the art of conducting an interesting and informative conversation. The ability to communicate with the courtesans, geishas and hanikami exalted and magnified man, gave him additional status and respect in the eyes and friends and rivals.

Why you should apply to Queens Palace
Collection luxurious girls

Media personalities, stars and finalists of beauty contests.

Absolute anonymity

Complete anonymity for both the client and the girl.

High level service's

Personalized service. Personal consultant 24/7.

Open catalog girls'

Open catalog of girls. Without registration and contributions.

Escort girl Moscow. Beauty, erudition and healthy ambitions.

The Escort girls also selflessly inspire heroes of our time on the exploits in business, politics and the arts, as well as their seductive predecessor. Bright beauty, sharp mind, excellent manners and amazing sincerity, flavored with erudition and brilliant education, sexuality and charm is a magical cocktail that unconditionally acts on the representatives of the strongest and most successful estate of our society — men vip category. However we deserved the rank of the elite escort Agency not only thanks to beauty and manners of our girls. We have managed to make each of them truly proud of his title model escort and in love with their work and each satellite, which she has to accompany. We select only independent and ambitious girls: novice Actresses, singers and fashion models who come to the vip escort not only to earn money, but to Express themselves, to apply their knowledge of psychology and foreign languages, to find a powerful patron for the further advancement of his career.

Therefore each of our escort girls is sincerely interested and keen with whom brought her destiny and a profession. In this honest sympathy and mutual interest — the main component of success. Escort girls Moscow (moscow escort) differ from their foreign colleagues in that they do not always agree to play the role of a trophy, "inherited on the hunt."

A man is more likely to be interested in a woman who is interested in him than a woman with beautiful legs.

- Marlene Dietrich

It is Much more tempting to conquer men on your own without waiting for someone else's mercy. Therefore, turning to our elite Agency in search of a girl-model to accompany, be ready to be seduced, seduced and seduced. Look at their photos and see! Whether it's a simple appearance in public, going on a business trip, a joint visit to a party, a short break or a private holiday with vip - models in the apartments — this expensive, but extremely memorable type of leisure will become for you a "breath of fresh air", liberation from the usual bonds, getting rid of the shackles of everyday life.